Wot Marks of Excellence for the tankers

Now console tankers can boast their fighting prowess by accomplishing Wot Marks of Excellence, new player performance recognition for World of Tanks on Console. These new marks are reserved for vehicles that are Tier and higher, and players are rewarded based on three factors. • One mark is awarded for averaging more damage and help damage than the top 65% players in a specific tank. • Two marks awarded for averaging more damage and help damage than the top 85% of players in a specific tank. • Three marks awarded for averaging more damage and help damage than the top 90% of the players in a specific tank. Players will truly have to level up their game if they want to be part of World of Tanks Marks of Excellence . Therefore, hit the battlefield and prove the rest of the world that you are the master of this game. Some new tanks will also be added with the update 2.1. Needless to say, that its stock of gun’s rate of fire rival is that of the Matildas. Lso co...