Some Briefs About The WOT

World of Tanks boosting is a collection of acts aimed at improving your rank, including services like silver farming, experience, and statistics boosts. You will receive numerous accomplishments, class marks, epic medals, and barrel marks as a result of this boosting method. However, if the sole purpose of your WOT boost is to elevate our game to new heights. We provide you with the experience you need to reach the specified level, with a precision of up to a thousand experience points. Marks of Excellence are a fun feature in the World of Tanks game that enables you to compare your abilities to those of other players. They'll be visible in the game, and they'll be awarded depending on the average amount of damage a tank takes in combat. The more World of Tanks Marks of Excellence you earn, the better you are at treating your fellow players. In this case, detecting the extent of the damage is also taken into account. Light tanks, for example, aren't meant to do a lot of da...