What Exactly Is Marks of Excellence and How Can I Achieve Them

Marks of Excellence are cool feature in the game World of Tanks which allows you to boast your skills to other players. They will be displayed in the game and are given out based on the average amount of damage in a battle for the specific tank. 

The better you are in respect to your fellow gamers, the more World of Tanks Marks of Excellence you will get. Spotting the damage done is also taken into consideration in this respect. Light tanks, for instance, are not designed to deal a bigger amount of damage and should be able to focus on directing their friend’s fire. 

Records are maintained separately for every tank from the release of the version 9.1 and any matches done before the update won’t be taken into consideration. This creates a level playing field and gives all the players an opportunity to earn the more World of Tanks Marks of Excellence. Statistics are constantly updated and changes will be noticed every day. 

Calculation of Damage

To calculate the average amount of damage, the latest battles of the tank is used, as this enables us to better reward the progress and success of a player with 279e WOT.   

With the release of the Update 9.1, the players will be able to achieve and earn marks for excellence. There are three separate tank rankings as of marks for excellence available for each tank you have. To get these marks, every player should prove that they are better than the rest before unlocking them for usage. 

Unlike real-life nonetheless, these won’t be based on the number of killings of the tank itself in WoT tanks wn8, as those are quite simple to score. It makes no sense in scoring the marks if a Type 59 can get one by defeating a T1 Cunningham in a fair one-on-one battle. 

Within the top 5% of players- three marks of excellence

Within the top 15% of players- two marks of excellence

Within the top 35% of players- one mark of excellence

The more consistent you are in handling damage, the lesser matches are required to calculate the average damage done. On average, it will take almost 50-100 games with a tank before you get your marks for excellence. 

Displaying these marks is completely optional and the functionality can be disabled in your setting. Other players’ will still see if you have any Marks, provided they have enabled them in their client.    

At this moment, the players that have already earned marks for excellence will be able to see the progress toward the next one. Players without a mark on any tank won’t be able to see their percentage, while they try to earn the very first mark. This can be changed in a future update to permit all players to see their progress percentage, even if they don’t currently have a mark. 


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