How to display World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence

World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence is something some players utilize to show how good they can be with specific tanks or with all of them. With the advent of ranked battles and now wargaming announcing the new epic random battles, one question come in mind is what will happen to the marks of excellence at Tier X?

Circonflexes was one of the community contributors that had a lot of queries and thoughts about this, if you are interested in the opinion.    

Other contributors and also players start giving similar feedback, on how difficult it would become to even get a single mark for the particular tanks, how World of Tanks Marks OF Excellence would become RNG dependant, etc.  

Based on the feedback, Wargaming has decided that Epic Random Battles and Ranked Battles will no longer be counted for the Gun Marks. 

These changes will be implemented in the Common Test Round 3, and will be applied on live server after the update of 9.20. Excellent news for all of you who love to grind with Object 260 of Marks of Excellence, but also for those who just want to get them casually. 

In the World War 2, the tank crews would mark the barrels as a tally for the number of vehicles they have destroyed in the battle. These marks were adapted to World of Tanks to display the mastery of a player of a specific vehicle in a game. Just like mastery badge, Marks of Excellence reflect the average damage of a player along with assisted damage rather than experience. 

The marks of excellence earned are permanent. Once you have earned a mark of excellence, you will never lose that mark, even if your average drops below the threshold, or of the threshold goes up. You will never lose that mark even if you sell that tank. 

How marks of excellence is calculated

In spite of the text from the game saying that they utilize the last 100 matches, this may be somehow misleading. The mathematics actually uses an exponential moving average that is recalculated after every match where 100 is the number of matches that the average is measured against. This implies that every single match is actually utilized to calculate your moving average with your oldest matches exponentially less than your latest match. Doing the match this way along with 279e WoT enables the client to store 1 value rather than of the last 100 matches of data. It then collates your average to that of the server over the last couple of weeks and awards marks based on that comparison. 

This is so challenging as every match in the World of Tanks is a bit puzzling blended with a bit of chess. Triple marks of excellence are awarded to the players that were able to perform tremendously in games with excellent consistency. 


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